Authored Books

Narratives and the Role of Philosophy - cover

Narratives and the Role of Philosophy in Cross-Disciplinary Studies: Emerging Research and Opportunities

Publisher: IGI Global, U.S.

Published: 2018

Abstract: This is a study of how real-life events, which are intrinsically multi-faceted and therefore lend themselves well to cross-disciplinary approaches, can and should inform all higher education programmes, not only those in liberal studies. A corporate scandal, for instance, which led to decades of campaigning for better law enforcement and eventually to a change in UK law, must be addressed both from an ethical, legal, socio-political and commercial perspective at the same time, not dissected in separate disciplines. A stroke and the ensuing recovery process entail clinical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects, all of which need to be considered simultaneously, in order to gain a holistic understanding of the event and its impact on the sense of personal identity. Underlying such cases is something that I consider crucial in higher education — namely, a focus on what Carlos Frankel calls “a culture of debate”; and this is where the role of philosophy comes in, both as a method and as an aim in itself, not only in the context of (American) liberal education, but also in British and Continental settings, where education is becoming increasingly applied and cross-disciplinary. It is a tradition of philosophical practice that spreads from Plato and Aristotle to Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, and the neo-pragmatists.

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Pragmatismul - front cover

Pragmatismul şi „sfârşitul” metafizicii

Publisher: Editura Universitii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iasi

Published: 2009

Abstract: This is a book about dialogue and about bridging the gap between philosophy and everyday life practices, such as reading and writing, listening to music and expressing one’s socio-political views. It is about the dialogue between two philosophical traditions which most consider irreconcilable – pragmatism and metaphysics. It is also about applying a method of interpretation (the pragmatist one) in various areas of practical enquiry, such as literary criticism, aesthetics, and social policy.

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