Born in Romania, of French and Austro-Hungarian origin on father’s side, Ana-Maria has been living in London since 2004. She studied philosophy at the Universities of Iasi, Durham, and New School for Social Research, and international business at Huron / Hult in London. She is Academic Director of study-abroad programmes and Senior Tutor at SCIO / Wycliffe Hall. Until last Summer, she was Associate Professor in Philosophy and Public Ethics, and Director of Liberal Arts Programmes at Regent’s University London. She is an antique book collector, loves Bach and old abbeys, and feels as much at home in the rice-fields of Bali, as she does in Parisian literary cafes.

A continental philosopher by background, I am at heart a poet interested in (post-) metaphysical thinking and the phenomenology of religion. My heroes are Plato and the desert Fathers, as much as Heidegger, Gadamer, Sartre, and Camus. I draw as much inspiration from the work of humble artists in Bali, as I do – from sophisticated arguments in a research seminar at Radcliffe.

Work address:

Ana-Maria Pascal’s office, upper ground floor

8 Norham Gardens

Oxford, OX2 6QB

Telephone: +44 (0) 1865 355625


When I’m not at any of my desks, you can find me either in the library, or in a park somewhere. Or else, it means I’d rather not be found; but you can still reach me via LinkedIn.