Month: May 2015

A sense of guilt

A sense of guilt 27 May 2015 A true sense of guilt changes you – it changes things. It makes you undo the wrong you did. It transforms you. Otherwise, it’s not real guilt – it’s just discomfort, or an unpleasant feeling that...

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The other mind

The other mind 19 May 2015 One can live in a particular time, the way other people live in a certain space. “Where do you live – where do you come from?” “I live in the era of the Glorious Revolution – I come from the 17th...

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Frankenstein’s Elisabeth

Frankenstein’s Elisabeth 16 May 2015 The question of the self and identity may be more important in ethics than it is in metaphysics, because without personhood and ‘the other’, there can be NO ethics at all. That is why the...

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